John Trussell
I started my Law Enforcement in 1991 in the Dallas, TX area. I have had an affinity for shooting firearms from a young age. In 1997 I became a rangemaster for my department. In 2007 I became the lead firearm instructor which I still maintain today. During my career I was a field training officer for 25 years. Training new officers how to maintain firearm proficiency and do the work as a patrol officer has been the most rewarding part of the job. I strongly believe in a strong foundation is key in firearms and basic police work. I am currently a sergeant and certified Drone Operator, Bike Officer and lead ALERRT instructor. I am also certified armorer for Glock, AR15, and Benelli Shotgun.
In my Law Enforcement journey, I have attended over 3500 hours of training both locally and around the country. This has given a well -rounded background as an instructor. I have had the privilege to learn many different styles of instructing. I understand each student learns differently and it is important to recognize this in order to get the student fully committed to the lesson.
My passions away from work is photography. I ran my own business for 10 years doing wedding photography as well as portraits. My true love is landscape photography while travelling. I spent three weeks travelling through Southeast Asia taking over 3000 pictures in a trip of a lifetime.
My journey with IALEFI began over 10 years ago when I met past president Mike Dunlap. Mike encouraged me to come to the conferences and was instrumental to me joining the Board of Directors. Through Mike I was able to meet many instructors and fellow officers from around the country. I feel IALEFI provides a great environment and fellowship to Firearm instructors around the world and is an organization I am proud to be associated with as an instructor.